Dropdowns present a list of options from which a user can select one option, or several. A selected option can represent a value in a form, or can be used as an action to filter or sort existing content.
- Overview
- Live demo
- Formatting
- Content
- Universal behaviors
- Dropdown
- Multiselect
- Combo box
- Modifiers
- Related
- References
- Feedback
There are three different variants of dropdowns that support various kinds of functionality—dropdown, multiselect, and combo box.
Variant | Purpose |
Dropdown | Allows the user to select one option from a list. |
Multiselect | Allows the user to select multiple options from a list and filter. |
Combo box | Allows the user to make a selection from a list of suggested, likely, or desired values. |
When to use
- Dropdowns can be used in forms on full pages, in modals, or on side panels. The dropdown component is used to filter or sort contents on a page. It is a stylized version of the select component, and can be styled as needed.
When not to use
- It is best practice not to use a dropdown if there are two options to choose from. In this case, use a radio button group instead.
- Do not nest dropdowns or use them to display overly complex information. Keep option selections as straight forward as possible.
- Consider using a select dropdown if most of your experience is form-based or frequently used on mobile platforms. The native select works more easily with a native form when submitting data and is also easier to use on a mobile platform.
Live demo
Dropdowns are composed of four distinct sections—assistive text like labels or helper text, a field, a menu, and options contained within the menu. Labels and helper text can guide the user to make an informed decision when making a selection.

- Labels: Text that informs the user what to expect in the list of dropdown options.
- Helper text: Assistive text to help the user choose the right selection.
- Field: Persists when the dropdown is open or closed.
- Option: A choice for the user, shown with other choices in a menu.
- Menu: A list of options to choose from, displayed as an open state. from.
There are three dropdown height sizes: Large, medium (default), and small. Use a consistent dropdown height when it is being used alongside other form components on the same page. Supporting three different dropdown sizes gives you more flexibility when structuring layouts. When in doubt, use the default medium size height.

Dropdown size | Height (px/rem) | Use case |
Large | 48/3 | Choose this size when there is a lot of space to work with. This size is typically used in simple forms or when a dropdown is placed by itself on a page, for example as a filter. |
Medium (default) | 40/2.5 | This is our default size and should be used whenever possible. |
Small | 32/2 | Use when space is constricted or when placing a dropdown in a form that is long and complex. |
When the menu is open, each option in the menu should be the same height as the field. Use a consistent size of form components on the same page. For example, if you are using a medium size dropdown also use the same size text inputs, buttons, and so on.

There is no minimum or maximum width for a dropdown. The width can be customized appropriately for its context.
Field containers should vertically align to the grid and with other form components on a page.

Do align field containers to the grid.

Do not align field input text to the grid and hang the container.
Main elements
- Labels inform users what to expect in the list of dropdown options.
- Keep the label short and concise by limiting it to a single line of text.
Helper text
- Helper text is pertinent information that assists the user in choosing the right selection from the dropdown menu.
- Helper text is always available when the dropdown field is focused and appears underneath the label.
- Use sentence-style capitalization and write the text as full sentences with punctuation, unless space is limited.

Field placeholder text
- Placeholder text is presented in the field by default if no selection has been made from the dropdown. This is important to have in case the dropdown does not have a label above it.
- Use clear placeholder text for the dropdown trigger so that users understand the purpose.
Options in a menu
- Describe the dropdown option succinctly in one line of text.
- Never use decorative images or icons within a dropdown.
- We recommend presenting the options in alphabetical order.
Optional versus required fields
All fields in a form are assumed required, and optional fields are tagged. For more information, see the form component usage guidance.
Overflow content
Avoid having multiple lines of text in a dropdown. If the text is too long for one line, add an ellipsis (…) for overflow content, and accompany with a browser-based tooltip to show the full string of text.

Further guidance
For further content guidance, see Carbon’s content guidelines.
Universal behaviors
The behaviors listed in this section are universal across all of the variants. For behaviors that are unique to each variant, see the sections below.
A dropdown can open up or down depending on its position on the screen. For example, if the dropdown appears at the bottom and close to the edge of the interface, the menu expands upward to avoid being cropped. By default, our dropdowns open downward.
Carbon has one layer style called a box-shadow
. The box-shadow is placed
behind the dropdown menu when open. Box-shadow is also used in other components
that have overlayed menus, such as the overflow menu and date picker calendar.
The SCSS for box-shadow is 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2)
Scrolling behavior
Scroll bars may not always be enabled so we recommend showing 50% of the last option’s container height to indicate there is more to see within the menu. We recommend starting a scroll at the sixth option in the menu list, but this may vary based on your specific use case.

Users trigger a dropdown menu to open by clicking the chevron icon or clicking anywhere within the field. Users can close the menu by clicking the chevron icon or clicking outside of the menu.

- To select an option the user can click anywhere inside an option container.

- To clear all selected options from a list in a
dropdown, click the “xâ